EInvoice API Guide

API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Post
Request Body (Sample)
{ "Version": "1.1", "TranDtls": { "TaxSch": "GST", "SupTyp": "B2B", "RegRev": "Y", "EcmGstin": null, "IgstOnIntra": "N" }, "DocDtls": { "Typ": "INV", "No": "IRN20200806003", "Dt": "06/08/2020" }, "SellerDtls": { "Gstin": "37AMBPG7773M002", "LglNm": "NIC company pvt ltd", "TrdNm": "NIC Industries", "Addr1": "5th block, kuvempu layout", "Addr2": "kuvempu layout", "Loc": "GANDHINAGAR", "Pin": 518001, "Stcd": "37", "Ph": "9000000000", "Em": "" }, "BuyerDtls": { "Gstin": "36AMBPG7773M002", "LglNm": "XYZ company pvt ltd", "TrdNm": "XYZ Industries", "Pos": "12", "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout", "Addr2": "kuvempu layout", "Loc": "GANDHINAGAR", "Pin": 500055, "Stcd": "36", "Ph": "91111111111", "Em": "" }, "DispDtls": { "Nm": "ABC company pvt ltd", "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout", "Addr2": "kuvempu layout", "Loc": "Banagalore", "Pin": 562160, "Stcd": "29" }, "ShipDtls": { "Gstin": "36AMBPG7773M002", "LglNm": "CBE company pvt ltd", "TrdNm": "kuvempu layout", "Addr1": "7th block, kuvempu layout", "Addr2": "kuvempu layout", "Loc": "Banagalore", "Pin": 500055, "Stcd": "36" }, "ItemList": [ { "SlNo": "1", "PrdDesc": "Rice", "IsServc": "N", "HsnCd": "1001", "Barcde": "123456", "Qty": 100.345, "FreeQty": 10, "Unit": "BAG", "UnitPrice": 99.545, "TotAmt": 9988.84, "Discount": 10, "PreTaxVal": 1, "AssAmt": 9978.84, "GstRt": 12, "IgstAmt": 1197.46, "CgstAmt": 0, "SgstAmt": 0, "CesRt": 5, "CesAmt": 498.94, "CesNonAdvlAmt": 10, "StateCesRt": 12, "StateCesAmt": 1197.46, "StateCesNonAdvlAmt": 5, "OthChrg": 10, "TotItemVal": 12897.7, "OrdLineRef": "3256", "OrgCntry": "AG", "PrdSlNo": "12345", "BchDtls": { "Nm": "123456", "Expdt": "01/08/2020", "wrDt": "01/09/2020" }, "AttribDtls": [ { "Nm": "Rice", "Val": "10000" } ] } ], "ValDtls": { "AssVal": 9978.84, "CgstVal": 0, "SgstVal": 0, "IgstVal": 1197.46, "CesVal": 508.94, "StCesVal": 1202.46, "Discount": 10, "OthChrg": 20, "RndOffAmt": 0.3, "TotInvVal": 12908, "TotInvValFc": 12897.7 }, "PayDtls": { "Nm": "ABCDE", "Accdet": "5697389713210", "Mode": "Cash", "Fininsbr": "SBIN11000", "Payterm": "100", "Payinstr": "Gift", "Crtrn": "test", "Dirdr": "test", "Crday": 100, "Paidamt": 10000, "Paymtdue": 5000 }, "RefDtls": { "InvRm": "TEST", "DocPerdDtls": { "InvStDt": "01/08/2020", "InvEndDt": "01/09/2020" }, "PrecDocDtls": [ { "InvNo": "DOC/002", "InvDt": "01/08/2020", "OthRefNo": "123456" } ], "ContrDtls": [ { "RecAdvRefr": "Doc/003", "RecAdvDt": "01/08/2020", "Tendrefr": "Abc001", "Contrrefr": "Co123", "Extrefr": "Yo456", "Projrefr": "Doc-456", "Porefr": "Doc-789", "PoRefDt": "01/08/2020" } ] }, "AddlDocDtls": [ { "Url": "", "Docs": "Test Doc", "Info": "Document Test" } ], "ExpDtls": { "ShipBNo": "A-248", "ShipBDt": "01/08/2020", "Port": "INABG1", "RefClm": "N", "ForCur": "AED", "CntCode": "AE", "ExpDuty": null }, "EwbDtls": { "Transid": "37AMBPG7773M002", "Transname": "XYZ EXPORTS", "Distance": 100, "Transdocno": "DOC01", "TransdocDt": "06/08/2020", "Vehno": "ka123456", "Vehtype": "R", "TransMode": "1" } }
Semple Response
{ "success": true, "message": "IRN generated successfully", "result": { "AckNo": 15102573688, "AckDt": "2020-05-25 09:51:00", "Irn": "fd9204d9218216155dfd784696f961d59e54be88e17d3725c7dbaede7bf08745", "SignedInvoice": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExNUY0NDI2NjE3QTc5MzhCRTF", "SignedQRCode": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExNUY0NDI2NjE3QTc5MzhCRTFCQT", "Status": "ACT", "EwbNo": null, "EwbDt": null, "EwbValidTill": null } }
API Path: https://apipath
Method: Post
Request Body (Sample)
{ "irn": "79ed0987648b88b777cab37a28064248006da266476f7d1b6159cf3b23821cf6", "cnlrsn": "1 ", "cnlrem": "wrong entry" }
Semple Response
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Invoice is cancelled successfully", "result": { "Irn": "a5c12dca80e743321740b001fd70953e8738d109865d28ba4013750f2046f229", "CancelDate": "2019-12-05 14:26:00" } }
API Path: https://apipath
Method: Post
Sample Responce
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Invoice fetched successfully", "result": { "AckNo": 15102573688, "AckDt": "2020-05-25 09:51:00", "Irn": "fd9204d9218216155dfd784696f961d59e54be88e17d3725c7dbaede7bf08745", "SignedInvoice": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExNQtqHtEbUzghkzpqBFbgjA", "SignedQRCode": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExV1JRAqghHxU8yd9kUKw72cp4LA", "Status": "ACT", "EwbNo": null, "EwbDt": null, "EwbValidTill": null } }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Post
Request Body (Sample)
{ "Irn": "825a63fc30ab5e948c47d460f0bc3ca615b8389d98bf38f56ff49df6160de06e", "TransId": "29DPZPS4403C1ZF", "TransMode": "1", "TrnDocNO": "12/22", "TrnDocDt": "06/02/2020", "VehNo": "KA01AB1234", "Distance": 120, "VehType": "R", "TransName": "ree" }
Sample Responce
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Way Bill is generated successfully", "result": { "EwbNo": 111008683051, "EwbDt": "2020-04-24 11:28:00", "EwbValidTill": "2020-04-26 23:59:00" } }
API Path: https://apipath
Method: Get
Request Body (Sample)
{ "IRN": 321001004049 }
Sample Response
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Waybill details are fetched successfully by the IRN", "result": { "EwbNo": 141008995281, "Status": "ACT", "GenGstin": "36AMBPG7773M002", "EwbDt": "2020-10-21 19:13:00", "EwbValidTill": "2020-10-28 23:59:00" } }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Get
Header Parameter (Sample)
"doctype"="INV" "docnum"="IRN202028180" "docdate"="23/11/2020"
Simple Response
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Invoice fetched successfully", "result": { "AckNo": 112010025112040, "AckDt": "2020-11-23 12:46:00", "Irn": "3c20ab1fbff0c07b1d8c5ea2fcf3f97e8144edcdf82ea97dc5ab4b6528cfc3c4", "SignedInvoice": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExNQtqHtEbUzghkzpqBFbgjA", "SignedQRCode": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjExV1JRAqghHxU8yd9kUKw72cp4LA", "Status": "ACT", "EwbNo": null, "EwbDt": null, "EwbValidTill": null, "Remarks": null } }
API Path: https://apipath
Method: Get
Request Body (Sample)
{ "data": "eyJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLzA0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNyc2Etc2hhMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiMTE1RjQ0MjY2MTdBNzkzOEJFMUJBMDZEQkVFOTFBNDI3NTg0RURBQiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIng1dCI6IkVWOUVKbUY2ZVRpLUc2QnR2dWthUW5XRTdhcyJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1wiU2VsbGVyR3N0aW5cIjpcIjI5QUFHUEI4Njc4TDFaMVwiLFwiQnV5ZXJHc3RpblwiOlwiMjlBQUdQQjg2NzhMMVoxXCIsXCJEb2NOb1wiOlwiQU5JTDIwMjAwMTE2MDAwMVwiLFwiRG9jVHlwXCI6XCJJTlZcIixcIkRvY0R0XCI6XCIyMDIwLTAxLTE2XCIsXCJUb3RJbnZWYWxcIjowLFwiSXRlbUNudFwiOjEsXCJNYWluSHNuQ29kZVwiOlwiMTAwMVwiLFwiSXJuXCI6XCJiZjI1OWZlNDI2ZGZhODczYTBiZTQ4ZmIzNWMzZDdlNWVhMWViM2JmNjdkMTkwMWRiOWU3NDJmNDZjZTBmMjRhXCJ9IiwiaXNzIjoiTklDIn0.hhYXdlJzZPG7pPwBHrn06odSgXfdoGWzt2Cu8zoebwprJ7CLTREEvXeRtzFgXk4qtVCSqp6J4Q8-k2bwwvg87yV2LBdH1zWHAU1uogWZmm30b2a_zVZnezuEJbWDyLs0DRm8oWYDojsBrKf_pe2Fv-5vN9NJD7B3auWyS_LjDId0tIc0uXAZKANkw_tkK9HM_MArn0q7afwlJLlSUnMhN41h--ErD0oGXgHK1mFigkBvNyALymzc8DTZ6EJl5sN1yGyxVUSKs4zjKCrUgv17VTN4QfWTUKySpVvR9GYhI3ti8K2h7U9GQgNccsvKnR2qqf-UIi08oB9AozcQef28Mg" }
Sample Response
{ "success": true, "message": "", "result": { "Irn": "fd9204d9218216155dfd784696f961d59e54be88e17d3725c7dbaede7bf08745", "SellerGstin": "37AMBPG7773M002", "DocTyp": "INV", "TotInvVal": 12681.36, "BuyerGstin": "36AMBPG7773M002", "DocDt": "25/05/2020", "DocNo": "IRN20200516008", "MainHsnCode": "1001", "ItemCnt": 1 } }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Get
Request Body (Sample)
{ "data": "eyJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLzA0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNyc2Etc2hhMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiMTE1RjQ0MjY2MTdBNzkzOEJFMUJBMDZEQkVFOTFBNDI3NTg0RURBQiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIng1dCI6IkVWOUVKbUY2ZVRpLUc2QnR2dWthUW5XRTdhcyJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1wiU2VsbGVyR3N0aW5cIjpcIjI5QUFHUEI4Njc4TDFaMVwiLFwiQnV5ZXJHc3RpblwiOlwiMjlBQUdQQjg2NzhMMVoxXCIsXCJEb2NOb1wiOlwiQU5JTDIwMjAwMTE2MDAwMVwiLFwiRG9jVHlwXCI6XCJJTlZcIixcIkRvY0R0XCI6XCIyMDIwLTAxLTE2XCIsXCJUb3RJbnZWYWxcIjowLFwiSXRlbUNudFwiOjEsXCJNYWluSHNuQ29kZVwiOlwiMTAwMVwiLFwiSXJuXCI6XCJiZjI1OWZlNDI2ZGZhODczYTBiZTQ4ZmIzNWMzZDdlNWVhMWViM2JmNjdkMTkwMWRiOWU3NDJmNDZjZTBmMjRhXCJ9IiwiaXNzIjoiTklDIn0.hhYXdlJzZPG7pPwBHrn06odSgXfdoGWzt2Cu8zoebwprJ7CLTREEvXeRtzFgXk4qtVCSqp6J4Q8-k2bwwvg87yV2LBdH1zWHAU1uogWZmm30b2a_zVZnezuEJbWDyLs0DRm8oWYDojsBrKf_pe2Fv-5vN9NJD7B3auWyS_LjDId0tIc0uXAZKANkw_tkK9HM_MArn0q7afwlJLlSUnMhN41h--ErD0oGXgHK1mFigkBvNyALymzc8DTZ6EJl5sN1yGyxVUSKs4zjKCrUgv17VTN4QfWTUKySpVvR9GYhI3ti8K2h7U9GQgNccsvKnR2qqf-UIi08oB9AozcQef28Mg" }
Sample Response
{ "success": true, "message": "", "result": { "Irn": "fd9204d9218216155dfd784696f961d59e54be88e17d3725c7dbaede7bf08745", "Version": "1.02", "ItemList": [ { "ItemNo": 1, "SlNo": "1", "IsServc": "N", "PrdDesc": "pdt desc", "HsnCd": "1001", "Qty": "99.99", "Unit": "BAG", "UnitPrice": 99.99, "TotAmt": 9998, "Discount": 99.99, "AssAmt": 9898.01, "GstRt": 0.1, "IgstAmt": 9.89, "CgstAmt": 0, "SgstAmt": 0, "CesRt": 1, "CesAmt": 98.98, "CesNonAdvlAmt": 99.99, "StateCesRt": 25, "StateCesAmt": 2474.5, "StateCesNonAdvlAmt": 0, "OthChrg": 99.99, "TotItemVal": 12681.36 } ], "AckNo": 15102573688, "ValDtls": { "AssVal": 9898.01, "CgstVal": 0, "SgstVal": 0, "IgstVal": 9.89, "CesVal": 198.97, "StCesVal": 2474.5, "RndOffAmt": 0, "TotInvVal": 12681.36 }, "SellerDtls": { "Gstin": "37AMBPG7773M002", "LglNm": "nictest", "TrdNm": "nictest", "Addr1": "test", "Addr2": "test", "Loc": "test", "Pin": "518001", "State": "ANDHRA PRADESH" }, "DocDtls": { "Typ": "INV", "No": "IRN20200516008", "Dt": "25/05/2020" }, "BuyerDtls": { "Gstin": "36AMBPG7773M002", "LglNm": "VIKAS EXPORTS", "TrdNm": "VIKAS EXPORTS", "Pos": "29", "Addr1": "562160", "Addr2": "RAMANAGARA", "Loc": "CHANNAPATNA", "Pin": "500055", "State": "Telangana" }, "AckDt": "2020-05-25 09:51:00", "PayDtls": {}, "TranDtls": { "TaxSch": "GST", "SupTyp": "B2B", "RegRev": "N" } } }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Get
Header Parameter (Sample)
{ "data": "any string to generate QR image" }
Sample Responce
{ "output": "It will generate QR Image." }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Get
Header Parameter (Sample)
"irn": "e2948668b7126f1e27240fcec2e28d891347120b4445f39156a28b9fdc8be4b8"
Sample Response
{ "output": "It will generate QR Image." }
API Path: https://apipath/
Method: Get
Sample Response
{ "success": true, "message": "E-Way bill errors are fetched successfully", "result": [ { "errorCode": "100", "errorDesc": "Invalid json" }, { "errorCode": "101", "errorDesc": "Invalid Username" }, { "errorCode": "102", "errorDesc": "Invalid Password" }, { "errorCode": "103", "errorDesc": "Invalid Client -Id" }, { "errorCode": "104", "errorDesc": "Invalid Client -Id" }, { "errorCode": "105", "errorDesc": "Invalid Token" }, { "errorCode": "106", "errorDesc": "Token Expired" }, { "errorCode": "107", "errorDesc": "Authentication failed. Pls. inform the helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "108", "errorDesc": "Invalid login credentials." }, { "errorCode": "109", "errorDesc": "Decryption of data failed" }, { "errorCode": "110", "errorDesc": "Invalid Client-ID/Client-Secret" }, { "errorCode": "111", "errorDesc": "GSTIN is not registerd to this GSP" }, { "errorCode": "112", "errorDesc": "IMEI does not belong to the user" }, { "errorCode": "113", "errorDesc": "os-type is mandatory in header" }, { "errorCode": "114", "errorDesc": "Invalid os-type parameter value" }, { "errorCode": "201", "errorDesc": "Invalid Supply Type" }, { "errorCode": "202", "errorDesc": "Invalid Sub-supply Type" }, { "errorCode": "203", "errorDesc": "Sub-transaction type does not belongs to transaction type" }, { "errorCode": "204", "errorDesc": "Invalid Document type" }, { "errorCode": "205", "errorDesc": "Document type does not match with transaction & Sub trans type" }, { "errorCode": "206", "errorDesc": "Invaild Invoice Number" }, { "errorCode": "207", "errorDesc": "Invalid Invoice Date" }, { "errorCode": "208", "errorDesc": "Invalid Supplier GSTIN" }, { "errorCode": "209", "errorDesc": "Blank Supplier Address" }, { "errorCode": "210", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Supplier PIN Code" }, { "errorCode": "211", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Supplier state Code" }, { "errorCode": "212", "errorDesc": "Invalid Consignee GSTIN" }, { "errorCode": "213", "errorDesc": "Invalid Consignee Address" }, { "errorCode": "214", "errorDesc": "Invalid Consignee PIN Code" }, { "errorCode": "215", "errorDesc": "Invalid Consignee State Code" }, { "errorCode": "216", "errorDesc": "Invalid HSN Code" }, { "errorCode": "217", "errorDesc": "Invalid UQC Code" }, { "errorCode": "218", "errorDesc": "Invalid Tax Rate for Intra State Transaction" }, { "errorCode": "219", "errorDesc": "Invalid Tax Rate for Inter State Transaction" }, { "errorCode": "220", "errorDesc": "Invalid Trans mode" }, { "errorCode": "221", "errorDesc": "Invalid Approximate Distance" }, { "errorCode": "222", "errorDesc": "Invalid Transporter Id" }, { "errorCode": "223", "errorDesc": "Invalid Transaction Document Number" }, { "errorCode": "224", "errorDesc": "Invalid Transaction Date" }, { "errorCode": "225", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Number Format" }, { "errorCode": "226", "errorDesc": "Both Transaction and Vehicle Number Blank" }, { "errorCode": "227", "errorDesc": "User Gstin cannot be blank" }, { "errorCode": "228", "errorDesc": "User id cannot be blank" }, { "errorCode": "229", "errorDesc": "Supplier name is required" }, { "errorCode": "230", "errorDesc": "Supplier place is required" }, { "errorCode": "231", "errorDesc": "Consignee name is required" }, { "errorCode": "232", "errorDesc": "Consignee place is required" }, { "errorCode": "233", "errorDesc": "Eway bill does not contains any items" }, { "errorCode": "234", "errorDesc": "Total amount/Taxable amout is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "235", "errorDesc": "Tax rates for Intra state transaction is blank" }, { "errorCode": "236", "errorDesc": "Tax rates for Inter state transaction is blank" }, { "errorCode": "237", "errorDesc": "Invalid client -Id/client-secret" }, { "errorCode": "238", "errorDesc": "Invalid auth token" }, { "errorCode": "239", "errorDesc": "Invalid action" }, { "errorCode": "240", "errorDesc": "Could not generate eway bill, pls contact helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "242", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Officer StateCode" }, { "errorCode": "243", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank IR Number" }, { "errorCode": "244", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Actual Vehicle Number Format" }, { "errorCode": "245", "errorDesc": "Invalid Verification Date Format" }, { "errorCode": "246", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format" }, { "errorCode": "247", "errorDesc": "Invalid Verification Time Format" }, { "errorCode": "248", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format" }, { "errorCode": "249", "errorDesc": "Actual Value cannot be less than or equal to zero" }, { "errorCode": "250", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Release Date Format" }, { "errorCode": "251", "errorDesc": "CGST nad SGST TaxRate should be same" }, { "errorCode": "252", "errorDesc": "Invalid CGST Tax Rate" }, { "errorCode": "253", "errorDesc": "Invalid SGST Tax Rate" }, { "errorCode": "254", "errorDesc": "Invalid IGST Tax Rate" }, { "errorCode": "255", "errorDesc": "Invalid CESS Rate" }, { "errorCode": "256", "errorDesc": "Invalid Cess Non Advol value" }, { "errorCode": "278", "errorDesc": "User Gstin does not match with Transporter Id" }, { "errorCode": "280", "errorDesc": "Status is not ACTIVE" }, { "errorCode": "281", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill is already expired hence update transporter is not allowed." }, { "errorCode": "301", "errorDesc": "Invalid eway bill number" }, { "errorCode": "302", "errorDesc": "Invalid transporter mode" }, { "errorCode": "303", "errorDesc": "Vehicle number is required" }, { "errorCode": "304", "errorDesc": "Invalid vehicle format" }, { "errorCode": "305", "errorDesc": "Place from is required" }, { "errorCode": "306", "errorDesc": "Invalid from state" }, { "errorCode": "307", "errorDesc": "Invalid reason" }, { "errorCode": "308", "errorDesc": "Invalid remarks" }, { "errorCode": "309", "errorDesc": "Could not update vehicle details, pl contact helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "311", "errorDesc": "Validity period lapsed, you cannot update vehicle details" }, { "errorCode": "312", "errorDesc": "This eway bill is either not generated by you or cancelled" }, { "errorCode": "313", "errorDesc": "Error in validating ewaybill for vehicle updation" }, { "errorCode": "315", "errorDesc": "Validity period lapsed, you cannot cancel this eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "316", "errorDesc": "Eway bill is already verified, you cannot cancel it" }, { "errorCode": "317", "errorDesc": "Could not cancel eway bill, please contact helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "320", "errorDesc": "Invalid state to" }, { "errorCode": "321", "errorDesc": "Invalid place to" }, { "errorCode": "322", "errorDesc": "Could not generate consolidated eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "325", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve data" }, { "errorCode": "326", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve GSTIN details for the given GSTIN number" }, { "errorCode": "327", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve data from hsn" }, { "errorCode": "328", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve transporter details from gstin" }, { "errorCode": "329", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve States List" }, { "errorCode": "330", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve UQC list" }, { "errorCode": "331", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve Error code" }, { "errorCode": "334", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve user details by userid " }, { "errorCode": "336", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve transporter data by gstin " }, { "errorCode": "337", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve HSN details for the given HSN number" }, { "errorCode": "338", "errorDesc": "You cannot update transporter details, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "339", "errorDesc": "You are not assigned to update the tranporter details of this eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "341", "errorDesc": "This e-way bill is generated by you and hence you cannot reject it" }, { "errorCode": "342", "errorDesc": "You cannot reject this e-way bill as you are not the other party to do so" }, { "errorCode": "343", "errorDesc": "This e-way bill is cancelled" }, { "errorCode": "344", "errorDesc": "Invalid eway bill number" }, { "errorCode": "345", "errorDesc": "Validity period lapsed, you cannot reject the e-way bill" }, { "errorCode": "346", "errorDesc": "You can reject the e-way bill only within 72 hours from generated time" }, { "errorCode": "347", "errorDesc": "Validation of eway bill number failed, while rejecting ewaybill" }, { "errorCode": "348", "errorDesc": "Part-B is not generated for this e-way bill, hence rejection is not allowed." }, { "errorCode": "350", "errorDesc": "Could not generate consolidated eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "351", "errorDesc": "Invalid state code" }, { "errorCode": "352", "errorDesc": "Invalid rfid date" }, { "errorCode": "353", "errorDesc": "Invalid location code" }, { "errorCode": "354", "errorDesc": "Invalid rfid number" }, { "errorCode": "355", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Number Format" }, { "errorCode": "356", "errorDesc": "Invalid wt on bridge" }, { "errorCode": "357", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve eway bill details, pl. contact helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "358", "errorDesc": "GSTIN passed in request header is not matching with the user gstin mentioned in payload JSON" }, { "errorCode": "359", "errorDesc": "User GSTIN should match to GSTIN(from) for outward transactions" }, { "errorCode": "360", "errorDesc": "User GSTIN should match to GSTIN(to) for inward transactions" }, { "errorCode": "361", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Type" }, { "errorCode": "362", "errorDesc": "Transporter document date cannot be earlier than the invoice date" }, { "errorCode": "363", "errorDesc": "E-way bill is not enabled for intra state movement for you state" }, { "errorCode": "364", "errorDesc": "Error in verifying eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "365", "errorDesc": "Error in verifying consolidated eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "366", "errorDesc": "You will not get the ewaybills generated today, howerver you cann access the ewaybills of yester days" }, { "errorCode": "367", "errorDesc": "Could not retrieve data for officer login" }, { "errorCode": "368", "errorDesc": "Could not update transporter" }, { "errorCode": "369", "errorDesc": "GSTIN/Transin passed in request header should match with the transported Id mentioned in payload JSON" }, { "errorCode": "370", "errorDesc": "GSTIN/Transin passed in request header should not be the same as supplier(fromGSTIN) or recepient(toGSTIN)" }, { "errorCode": "371", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Supplier Ship-to State Code" }, { "errorCode": "372", "errorDesc": "Invalid or Blank Consignee Ship-to State Code" }, { "errorCode": "373", "errorDesc": "The Supplier ship-to state code should be Other Country for Sub Supply Type- Export" }, { "errorCode": "374", "errorDesc": "The Consignee pin code should be 999999 for Sub Supply Type- Export" }, { "errorCode": "375", "errorDesc": "The Supplier ship-from state code should be Other Country for Sub Supply Type- Import" }, { "errorCode": "376", "errorDesc": "The Supplier pin code should be 999999 for Sub Supply Type- Import" }, { "errorCode": "377", "errorDesc": "Sub Supply Type is mentioned as Others, the description for that is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "378", "errorDesc": "The supplier or conginee belong to SEZ, Inter state tax rates are applicable here" }, { "errorCode": "379", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill can not be extended.. Already Cancelled" }, { "errorCode": "380", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill Can not be Extended. Not in Active State" }, { "errorCode": "381", "errorDesc": "There is No PART-B/Vehicle Entry.. So Please Update Vehicle Information.." }, { "errorCode": "382", "errorDesc": "You Cannot Extend as EWB can be Extended only 8 hour before or after w.r.t Validity of EWB..!!" }, { "errorCode": "383", "errorDesc": "Error While Extending..Please Contact Helpdesk. " }, { "errorCode": "384", "errorDesc": "You are not current transporter or Generator of the ewayBill, with no transporter details." }, { "errorCode": "385", "errorDesc": "For Rail/Ship/Air transDocDate is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "386", "errorDesc": "Reason Code, Remarks is mandatory." }, { "errorCode": "387", "errorDesc": "No Record Found for Entered consolidated eWay bill." }, { "errorCode": "388", "errorDesc": "Exception in regenration of consolidated eWayBill!!Please Contact helpdesk" }, { "errorCode": "389", "errorDesc": "Remaining Distance Required" }, { "errorCode": "390", "errorDesc": "Remaining Distance Can not be greater than Actual Distance." }, { "errorCode": "391", "errorDesc": "No eway bill of specified tripsheet, neither ACTIVE nor not Valid." }, { "errorCode": "392", "errorDesc": "Tripsheet is already cancelled, Hence Regeration is not possible" }, { "errorCode": "393", "errorDesc": "Invalid GSTIN" }, { "errorCode": "394", "errorDesc": "For other than Road Transport, TransDoc number is required" }, { "errorCode": "395", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill Number should be numeric only" }, { "errorCode": "396", "errorDesc": "Either Eway Bill Number Or Consolidated Eway Bill Number is required for Verification" }, { "errorCode": "397", "errorDesc": "Error in Multi Vehicle Movement Initiation" }, { "errorCode": "398", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill Item List is Empty" }, { "errorCode": "399", "errorDesc": "Unit Code is not matching with any of the Unit Code from eway bill ItemList" }, { "errorCode": "400", "errorDesc": "total quantity is exceeding from multi vehicle movement initiation quantity" }, { "errorCode": "401", "errorDesc": "Error in inserting multi vehicle details" }, { "errorCode": "402", "errorDesc": "total quantity can not be less than or equal to zero" }, { "errorCode": "403", "errorDesc": "Error in multi vehicle details" }, { "errorCode": "405", "errorDesc": "No record found for multi vehicle update with specified ewbNo groupNo and old vehicleNo/transDocNo with status as ACT" }, { "errorCode": "406", "errorDesc": "Group number cannot be empty or zero" }, { "errorCode": "407", "errorDesc": "Invalid old vehicle number format" }, { "errorCode": "408", "errorDesc": "Invalid new vehicle number format" }, { "errorCode": "409", "errorDesc": "Invalid old transDoc number" }, { "errorCode": "410", "errorDesc": "Invalid new transDoc number" }, { "errorCode": "411", "errorDesc": "Multi Vehicle Initiation data is not there for specified ewayBill and group No" }, { "errorCode": "412", "errorDesc": "Multi Vehicle movement is already Initiated,hence PART B updation not allowed" }, { "errorCode": "413", "errorDesc": "Unit Code is not matching with unit code of first initiaton" }, { "errorCode": "415", "errorDesc": "Error in fetching in verification data for officer" }, { "errorCode": "416", "errorDesc": "Date range is exceeding allowed date range " }, { "errorCode": "417", "errorDesc": "No verification data found for officer " }, { "errorCode": "418", "errorDesc": "No record found" }, { "errorCode": "419", "errorDesc": "Error in fetching search result for taxpayer/transporter" }, { "errorCode": "420", "errorDesc": "Minimum six character required for Tradename/legalname search" }, { "errorCode": "421", "errorDesc": "Invalid pincode" }, { "errorCode": "422", "errorDesc": "Invalid mobile number" }, { "errorCode": "423", "errorDesc": "Error in fetching ewaybill list by vehicle number" }, { "errorCode": "424", "errorDesc": "Invalid PAN number" }, { "errorCode": "425", "errorDesc": "Error in fetching Part A data by IR Number" }, { "errorCode": "426", "errorDesc": "For Vehicle Released vehicle release date and time is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "427", "errorDesc": "Error in saving Part-A verification Report" }, { "errorCode": "428", "errorDesc": "For Goods Detained,Vehicle Released feild is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "429", "errorDesc": "Error in saving Part-B verification Report" }, { "errorCode": "430", "errorDesc": "Goods Detained Field required." }, { "errorCode": "431", "errorDesc": "Part-A for this ewaybill is already generated by you." }, { "errorCode": "432", "errorDesc": "invalid vehicle released value" }, { "errorCode": "433", "errorDesc": "invalid goods detained parameter value" }, { "errorCode": "434", "errorDesc": "invalid ewbNoAvailable parameter value" }, { "errorCode": "435", "errorDesc": "Part B is already updated,hence updation is not allowed" }, { "errorCode": "436", "errorDesc": "Invalid Consignee ship to State Code for the given pincode" }, { "errorCode": "437", "errorDesc": "Invalid Supplier ship from State Code for the given pincode" }, { "errorCode": "438", "errorDesc": "Invalid Latitude" }, { "errorCode": "439", "errorDesc": "Invalid Longitude" }, { "errorCode": "440", "errorDesc": "Error in inserting in verification data" }, { "errorCode": "441", "errorDesc": "Invalid verification type" }, { "errorCode": "442", "errorDesc": "Error in inserting verification details" }, { "errorCode": "443", "errorDesc": "invalid invoice available value" }, { "errorCode": "600", "errorDesc": "Invalid category" }, { "errorCode": "601", "errorDesc": "Invalid date format" }, { "errorCode": "602", "errorDesc": "Invalid File Number" }, { "errorCode": "603", "errorDesc": "For file details file number is required" }, { "errorCode": "604", "errorDesc": "E-way bill(s) are already generated for the same document number, you cannot generate again on same document number" }, { "errorCode": "607", "errorDesc": "dispatch from gstin is mandatary " }, { "errorCode": "608", "errorDesc": "ship to from gstin is mandatary" }, { "errorCode": "609", "errorDesc": " invalid ship to from gstin " }, { "errorCode": "610", "errorDesc": "invalid dispatch from gstin " }, { "errorCode": "611", "errorDesc": "invalid document type for the given supply type " }, { "errorCode": "612", "errorDesc": "Invalid transaction type" }, { "errorCode": "613", "errorDesc": "Exception in getting Officer Role" }, { "errorCode": "614", "errorDesc": "Transaction type is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "615", "errorDesc": "Dispatch From GSTIN cannot be sent as the transaction type selected is Regular" }, { "errorCode": "616", "errorDesc": "Ship to GSTIN cannot be sent as the transaction type selected is Regular" }, { "errorCode": "617", "errorDesc": "Bill-from and dispatch-from gstin should not be same for this transaction type" }, { "errorCode": "618", "errorDesc": "Bill-to and ship-to gstin should not be same for this transaction type" }, { "errorCode": "619", "errorDesc": "Transporter Id is mandatory for generation of Part A slip" }, { "errorCode": "620", "errorDesc": "Total invoice value cannot be less than the sum of total assessible value and tax values" }, { "errorCode": "621", "errorDesc": "Transport mode is mandatory since vehicle number is present" }, { "errorCode": "622", "errorDesc": "Transport mode is mandatory since transport document number is present" }, { "errorCode": "623", "errorDesc": "IGST value is not applicable for Intra State Transaction" }, { "errorCode": "624", "errorDesc": "CGST/SGST value is not applicable for Inter State Transaction" }, { "errorCode": "627", "errorDesc": "Total value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "628", "errorDesc": "Total invoice value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "629", "errorDesc": "IGST value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "630", "errorDesc": "CGST value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "631", "errorDesc": "SGST value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "632", "errorDesc": "Cess value should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "633", "errorDesc": "Cess non advol should not be negative" }, { "errorCode": "634", "errorDesc": "Vehicle type should not be ODC when transmode is other than road" }, { "errorCode": "635", "errorDesc": "You cannot update part B, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "636", "errorDesc": "You are not assigned to update part B" }, { "errorCode": "637", "errorDesc": "You cannot extend ewaybill, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the ewaybill" }, { "errorCode": "638", "errorDesc": "Transport mode is mandatory as Vehicle Number/Transport Document Number is given" }, { "errorCode": "640", "errorDesc": "Tolal Invoice value is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "641", "errorDesc": "For outward CKD/SKD/Lots supply type, Bill To state should be as Other Country, since the Bill To GSTIN given is of SEZ unit" }, { "errorCode": "642", "errorDesc": "For inward CKD/SKD/Lots supply type, Bill From state should be as Other Country, since the Bill From GSTIN given is of SEZ unit" }, { "errorCode": "643", "errorDesc": "For regular transaction, Bill from state code and Dispatch from state code should be same" }, { "errorCode": "644", "errorDesc": "For regular transaction, Bill to state code and Ship to state code should be same" }, { "errorCode": "645", "errorDesc": "You cannot do multivehicle movement, as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the ewaybill" }, { "errorCode": "646", "errorDesc": "You are not assigned to do MultiVehicle Movement" }, { "errorCode": "647", "errorDesc": "Could not insert RFID data, pl. contact helpdisk" }, { "errorCode": "648", "errorDesc": "Multi Vehicle movement is already Initiated,hence generation of consolidated eway bill is not allowed" }, { "errorCode": "649", "errorDesc": "You cannot generate consolidated eway bill , as the current tranporter is already entered Part B details of the eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "654", "errorDesc": "This GSTIN has generated a common Enrolment Number. Hence you are not allowed to generate Eway bill" }, { "errorCode": "656", "errorDesc": "This Eway Bill does not belongs to your state" }, { "errorCode": "657", "errorDesc": "Eway Bill Category wise details will be available after 4 days only" }, { "errorCode": "658", "errorDesc": "Please contact helpdesk along with this error code (blk)" }, { "errorCode": "659", "errorDesc": "Remarks is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "670", "errorDesc": "Invalid Month Parameter" }, { "errorCode": "671", "errorDesc": "Invalid Year Parameter" }, { "errorCode": "672", "errorDesc": "User Id is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "673", "errorDesc": "Error in getting officer dashboard" }, { "errorCode": "675", "errorDesc": "Error in getting EWB03 details by acknowledgement date range" }, { "errorCode": "676", "errorDesc": "Error in getting EWB Not Available List by entered date range" }, { "errorCode": "677", "errorDesc": "Error in getting EWB Not Available List by closed date range" }, { "errorCode": "678", "errorDesc": "Invalid Uniq No" }, { "errorCode": "679", "errorDesc": "Invalid EWB03 Ack No" }, { "errorCode": "680", "errorDesc": "Invalid Close Reason" }, { "errorCode": "681", "errorDesc": "Error in Closing EWB Verification Data" }, { "errorCode": "682", "errorDesc": "No Record available to Close" }, { "errorCode": "683", "errorDesc": "Error in fetching WatchList Data" }, { "errorCode": "685", "errorDesc": "Exception in fetching dashboard data" }, { "errorCode": "700", "errorDesc": "You are not assigned to extend e-waybill" }, { "errorCode": "701", "errorDesc": "Invalid Vehicle Direction" }, { "errorCode": "702", "errorDesc": "The distance between the pincodes given is too high" }, { "errorCode": "703", "errorDesc": "Since the consignor is Composite Taxpayer, inter state transactions are not allowed" }, { "errorCode": "704", "errorDesc": "Since the consignor is Composite Taxpayer, Tax rates should be zero" }, { "errorCode": "705", "errorDesc": "Invalid transit type" }, { "errorCode": "706", "errorDesc": "Address Line1 is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "707", "errorDesc": "Address Line2 is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "708", "errorDesc": "Address Line3 is mandatory" }, { "errorCode": "709", "errorDesc": "Pin to pin distance is not available for the given pin codes" }, { "errorCode": "710", "errorDesc": "Invalid state code for the given pincode" }, { "errorCode": "711", "errorDesc": "Invalid consignment status for the given transmode" }, { "errorCode": "712", "errorDesc": "Transit Type is not required as the goods are in movement" }, { "errorCode": "713", "errorDesc": "Transit Address is not required as the goods are in movement" }, { "errorCode": "714", "errorDesc": "Document type - Tax Invoice is not allowed for composite tax payer" }, { "errorCode": "715", "errorDesc": "The Consignor GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months" }, { "errorCode": "716", "errorDesc": "The Consignee GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months" }, { "errorCode": "717", "errorDesc": "The Transporter GSTIN is blocked from e-waybill generation as Return is not filed for past 2 months" }, { "errorCode": "718", "errorDesc": "The User GSTIN is blocked from Transporter Updation as Return is not filed for past 2 months" }, { "errorCode": "719", "errorDesc": "The Transporter GSTIN is blocked from Transporter Updation as Return is not filed for past 2 months" } ] }
Note: This guide is just for the reference information purpose. Kindly verify the details from official website of EInvoice